Kamis, 20 September 2012

Sunday to Sunday (9/9 - 9/16)

When I make this entry, I was listening to Friday to Sunday by Justice Crew.

By the way, this week was epic fail! y'all have to know that this week started with sick so I didn't go to school for 2days, then I had a funniest test ever, where I could write anything on the piece of paper eventho the answers didn't match with the questions but my teacher thought it didn't matter, the important thing is, paper was full with students' handwritting. And I had to pass the last 2days with math and physics.
But on Friday. my craziness has come back, FYI, my craziness had almost lost cs I was sick. MY FRIENDS AND I LAUGHED FOR ALMOST A HALF HOUR WITH NO STOP... sounds stupid but it's just happened like that. it started when teacher didn't come to class, so my friends and I had a little chit-chat and we talked about the funny things, and we danced!!! shuffle and gangnam style, but one of my friends didn't know the gangnam style yet, so she showed us her style! that was stupidly awesome style! LOL! on Saturday, my friend held a little birthday party, so my friends and I came to his home to celebrate it, it felt like a "Maranggi" 's party. FYI, maranggi is the traditional food from my region. and we did another stupid things and laughed all the time as always. and on Sunday, my day was filled with edited video and read a novel. I edited my video for my channel on youtube, u can visit HERE! and read a novel called "refrain" and my week had closed.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

random night

okay, for some people being free is all that they need. but not about me.
lately, i hate for being free... i hate nobody's paying attention to me...
well it's all happened because of me.
when i was kid about 6 or 8 years ago, i love being free, hanged out, played so many random things with friends and nobody noticed me. but now, i ain't kid anymore and i almost done with my high school stuffs, but there's no my parents beside me, support me, notice me, etc who i need the most.
sometimes when i hang out with friend and they (my friends) get texts or phones from their parents, i feel sick, i feel dumb, i feel jealous, why my parents aren't do that to me, too. do they not care about me? however they are exactly care about me... but..... why they don't do it to me?
and now, i'm sick, something happens in my tooth, but they aren't even text me for ask how i feel, how's my day goes by, how my school, and something like that. i love them so much tho.
in my wish, i'm just wishin' they'll suddenly remember me and phone me or at least they'll text me.. <3<3

Jumat, 27 April 2012


talk about my past,
i have a special friend in the past.
i think, i shouldn't have to post her name here, her name's not really important anymore. i actually don't want remember her anymore, but i remember her accidentally. i think i know the reason y i remember her again, that's i met her again after a few years we've never met.
her face is remind me of my past, how could we're in date, how could we break up.
talk about how could we break.
we break cause of my jealousy, i'mma that type btw. actually, it's not only about my jealousy, it's about my special friend cheated on me, wooooo how sad! she cheated on me with a guy who i know the most! yea best-friend. i have no idea how it could end like that, i don't want to tell about the incident, obviously after that night, i was being an introvet guy.
kay, enough talk about past.
"let em buried by themselves, and don't ever see it back in the future, it'll hurt you for sure!"

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

nothing best than togetherness

I'll tell u all the story about BSI again and again..
yeah, today. i felt more beautiful than before, ya know y? it's about BSI.
we spent time together a day long, but there's no others, only me, Sandra, Dhiya, and Lintang. we had a short-trip together, d first destination is school. we went to school just for fun, yeah watched a school-basketball-cup! and i was there cz i had to rehearsal with my classmates for our art-task, but it has gone bad! the main actor of d drama didn't came, so d rehearsal was getting messed! dear my classmates, sorry for not respectin' you all, i always feel bored when someone broke d promises. kay, back to our story. after we had hours at school we went to d cafe, that crazy-moment started. we ate a lot of foods! after that we went to d family-karaoke, to sing some songs. we felt young-wild-crazy! wohooooo the first time we were in a room, we were such as ghetto-black-women! LOL! and when i was home, something just happened to our friend, she got her first heart-broken :( i don't need to tell it, privacy LOL! ah i don't know what this post for._.

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Bonek Society Indonesia

I just want to tell to everyone's here, it's all about BSI.
BSI, the name of a group best friend, there's 13guys who spend a time together everywhere. the first time we created BSI, that moment when Sandra liked our Junior in JHS... i shouldn't be tell the name of that guy right? kay, then when his birthday, sandra wanted to give him something like present, but he couldn't be found at school. so we're waited him so long so long so long time!!!! then we're went to Keresidenan to find him, cause sandra knew that he's a tennis athlete, so maybe he's there to rehearsal. but he wasn't there! so we're rounded a circle lake (situ buleud) to find him, then we're through the place where he's usually there. but we couldn't found him! he's something like ghost, move so fast. we're round Kersidenan, Gedong Sigrong, and back to school just to find him, but we couldn't til evening came! so I thought we've done a crazy things and we called it 'Bonek' and cause we're a 13guys so we're called it society... and BSI was created.
oh ya, in Indonesia Bonek is represent to everyone who crazier than an ordinary people,everyone who hasn't shame.
enough guys....... here the pic of BSI without Akbar's there

New class, New atmosphere

well, i've been an 11 grade student an half of this year.. 11 science 6 is my class. the first day in dat class i just felt boring something like dat, but it's not boring anymore after i through everyday with new friends..
they're so fuckin awesome dude, u should have known dat they're as crazy as me!!!!! and now, i already done with final tesst in the semester 1st, and we'll have some separates with friends in the semester 2nd. why's we have to meet if we have to separate. but we have a graduate holiday to the recreation's park in Jakarta.... can't wait for it! i'll share my story when i home already after my class's holiday.


hello watcha doin everyone? long time no see leh, i'm just fuckin busy with school stuffs. but now is holidays already yay! i've finished my final exams, and the result has came out too... not bad for me lah. well, i dunno what to share about anymore.. so, see ya soon!