Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Bonek Society Indonesia

I just want to tell to everyone's here, it's all about BSI.
BSI, the name of a group best friend, there's 13guys who spend a time together everywhere. the first time we created BSI, that moment when Sandra liked our Junior in JHS... i shouldn't be tell the name of that guy right? kay, then when his birthday, sandra wanted to give him something like present, but he couldn't be found at school. so we're waited him so long so long so long time!!!! then we're went to Keresidenan to find him, cause sandra knew that he's a tennis athlete, so maybe he's there to rehearsal. but he wasn't there! so we're rounded a circle lake (situ buleud) to find him, then we're through the place where he's usually there. but we couldn't found him! he's something like ghost, move so fast. we're round Kersidenan, Gedong Sigrong, and back to school just to find him, but we couldn't til evening came! so I thought we've done a crazy things and we called it 'Bonek' and cause we're a 13guys so we're called it society... and BSI was created.
oh ya, in Indonesia Bonek is represent to everyone who crazier than an ordinary people,everyone who hasn't shame.
enough guys....... here the pic of BSI without Akbar's there

New class, New atmosphere

well, i've been an 11 grade student an half of this year.. 11 science 6 is my class. the first day in dat class i just felt boring something like dat, but it's not boring anymore after i through everyday with new friends..
they're so fuckin awesome dude, u should have known dat they're as crazy as me!!!!! and now, i already done with final tesst in the semester 1st, and we'll have some separates with friends in the semester 2nd. why's we have to meet if we have to separate. but we have a graduate holiday to the recreation's park in Jakarta.... can't wait for it! i'll share my story when i home already after my class's holiday.


hello watcha doin everyone? long time no see leh, i'm just fuckin busy with school stuffs. but now is holidays already yay! i've finished my final exams, and the result has came out too... not bad for me lah. well, i dunno what to share about anymore.. so, see ya soon!

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

holiday is OVER

it's Friday, tom's Saturday, next's Sunday.. and finally i face Monday.
i'm gonna feel different in this Monday.. u know what? that bcs i'll never in the same class like bfr :( yeah, now i'm in the grade 11....
i havent prepared for school like when i was in the elementary.. feelin so sad lately, if im thinkin that we'll never be a classmates anymore 10.8 :'''(
missing y'all, sometimes i know that we're not close each others, but in the end we're so close, we're so compact, we're so best (i think) aaaaaaa im gonna miss y'all
i can't say anything bout y'all except we're THE BEST..
we have planned our graduated holiday, but it's not come true.. :(
maybe someday we'll get graduated holiday, don't worry guys!

i don't want monday come faster :( i don't want had graduated with y'all :( i don't want!!!!!

my besties were lost contact with

if u have twitter and have followed me i thought u know bout this..
kay nevermind bout it.
lately, im thinkin of my besties when i was 12years old. yap, they're my elementary's best friends. i start thinkin bout em when i got summer holidays, in Indonesia it's not summer holidays it's off grade.. inda week to three, i was always thinkin bout em everynight! that bcs when i was 12, and i got off grade, i was always played anything with em, not em only, also with another, but now, i never play anything with em anymore, idk where're em. i have 2 besties.. the 1st is Andri then the 2nd is Yogi. Andri's yogi cousin i know him from yogi, whereas yogi is my besties when i was in the grade 1. i more close with Andri than Yogi, yeah he called me TB/teman baik (nice friends) i called him TA/teman akrab (close friends) ..
last Ramadan, Andri wasn't came to Purwakarta... til we got idul fitri, he's not came. and Yogi told to me that Andri's not like bfr, he's be an 'brat'. he's not school, he's help his mom at home.. but idk it's true or false. i just want to meet em!!!! i miss em so bad, sincerely Andri. i've never seen him for 5-6years. with Yogi, i always meet him that bcs we're neighbors...
and now, i dont have a besties at home.. poor me!

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

...i love 10.8...


saturday, june 4th 2011. it's my last day to studying in the class with my damn amazing classmates bfr we need to face the final exam on monday.
how that u feel if u gonna have graduate with ur friends?? sad right!
so do I, i gotcha sad when i know that i'll never get a family atmosphere like a few days ago anymore.. i'm gonna miss my chairmate ANNA . she's always beside me, u know that she's my chairmate, so she's always beside me. lol
gonna miss my damn bestie friends Dhiya and her friends.. gonna miss the gang "corner" gonna miss Thessar, we called him 'Om ecal' and im gonna miss how i did my homework in the class. gonna miss how i singin when teacher explain with Dhiya. gonna miss sing a song from 'Armada'. gonna miss how dhiya nyau and me mocking my others friends bout their physically, bout their bf, bout anything, gonna miss how we have a conflict inter faction, gonna miss the teachers, gonna miss how we have a trouble every Thursday.!!!
actually, i have so many things that im gonna miss someday but i can't tell u..

Life's flowing, if we have to meet we know that we'll get to graduate.. we have an own goal, do it then you'll get ur goals someday.

is it enough? i think that's enough, i gotcha sleepy.. bye peoples!!!
love yall so damn MUCH :*


Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

worse year ever!!!

today's ma bornday. 16years ago i was born and be a little angel LOL. i know ma age's not like a kids anymore, but i hope in ma bornday i can get a presents or something like that looks like a few years ago, who ma parents celebrated ma bornday.
in the morning im still waiting what will happens, and in the afternoon i know that what will happens, today'll be a fuckin bad day ever! i ain't got presents anymore from ma parents, so damn make me felt like nothing had happened today! so... i went to slept! when i was dreamed, i was imagine bout camera! OMG, im still want it!!!

and u know? today's so fuckin worse year ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but, ma friends make me feel "today's ma special day" that bcs, on facebook, twitter, and bbm many friends say "Happy Birthday Paul" and im so happy! thanks friends :) love ya <3

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

our guest

o ya, a few weeks ago ma sch have a guest from neighbors country Singapore. yup exchange sch system, they're from OutramSecondarySchool Singapore. and i be a buddies.
i wanna tell something!
when we've schedule to picked them (outram students) the buddies's need to followed it! and we've public transport to went the hotel to picked them. when we went there i felt so lonely, that bcs i haven't friends there, but when we went back from there, the pubtrans felt so CRAZY, FUNNY, damn AWESOME!! in the pubtrans we've The Crazy Buddies, any couple who r dated, we teased them! hahaha that's so crazy right?
when we came back in our sch, we've went to places who has a PopIce and noodle for us! so we can ate for dinner. haha we deserved dinner in the pop ice that bcs we haven't a dinner in the Hotel, we just shaked hand and said 'nice to met u' to our guest and came back. that's too sad. and that's make me felt so crazy when we're in the pubtrans.
and they're in our country for 10days but only 7days in our sch. when the farewell party came! the buddies're invited to came in! so i came in there, i felt so sad that bcs i won't to saw them for sure again! and i gave a 4ppls there, Jiakang Jiewei Darren they're ma buddies, and i gave something to Maegan a girls who has a taller than me.

thx that's ma story!!!

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011


helloooooooow, long time no see la.
hmmm kay, what's should i do?
yup! i get a topic for now.

yeah tmrrw's march 8th, does mean i be a older (yeaaaaa) tmrrw ma age'll be 16th. wooohoooo sweet 16th, i hope i can be a better person, and i can get a lot of present!!!!!
nvm bout it!

how bout ur 15th?
oh ya ma 15th so beautiful, that because i get a chance to sch in a BEST HIGH SCH here, and can get a phone, absolutely isn't ordinary phone but luxury phone (i think) yeah BlackBerry. but now that phone hasn't be luxury thing like a year ago, bcs all of ppls were used it.
in a 15th, i was be a teenagers hellooooow. LOL. in a year ago, i got a TAZ MANIA chains from ma fuckin damn best friends (BSI) and i hope that so do tmrrw, i can get a present from them.
oh ya, in 15th i had a new group name "lekongnista" with 5-8others. haha we've always met on Twitter, and always talkin with a LEKONG's language, sometimes i don't understand what's on ma mind. hahaha

oh ya, i hope tmrrw i can get a CAMERA's. amin

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


okay, on second though. i think doesn't matter all of u has a new friends, cause i have a new friends too. and sometimes i was forgot all of u, of course that was isn't real i forgot u, maybe i'am not look at to u. and i just want to knew, all of u can't remembered when we are together, cares each others? when i got the problems, i can be strength cause all of u support me. i think i can't got it again now. u don't need be always beside me. u just need remembered all of moment when we are together as one. this is so exaggerated, lol.

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

all about CHANGES

hello guys, long time no see. okay now i'll tell u about ma story, this about ma old friends (jhs friends) .u know i've a gank with them? yeah that is BSI. this is a changes happened to all of BSI persons.
> Sandra, now she has a new boy who people she like. we call him "kapten". now sandra dont need like IYK, cause she have "kapten"
> Idan, i dont know what changes that prominent of him, but now, he like a speaking like as sissy. hahaha, that is so funny.
> Dhiya, she haven't changes cause she was still be ma classmates and she was likes a same person.
> Akbar, i dont know what changes of him cause we're has a different sch. i know that he has a band and his band was recording. good luck!
> Lintang, she's a persons who has a much changes. she never come join with us (again) she has a new friends now. we're regretted about her attitude.
> Dio, he was join with students organization (osis) much changes. now he was a arrogant (upsssss....), he wasn't arrogant he was MORE ARROGANT EVER! this is real! he was think, join with OSIS he can do ANYTHING his want, be BUSY, LIAR(this isn't real) ARROGANT!.
> cuncin, aha she has a new gank or group i think, doesn't matter about that but i was regretted with her attitude.
> andrian, he was still "omesh"
> sisil, she has a new friends and never with us. ok no problems.
> dina, i really really i dont care and i dont know with her.
> bella, she was still like as past.
> fanny, sometimes she was changes, but she still together with us.

doesn't matter about all of they changes, i just want u to remember that we're ever together, we're ever cares about each others. thanks, and sorry if ma entry was offend u all. =)