Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Bonek Society Indonesia

I just want to tell to everyone's here, it's all about BSI.
BSI, the name of a group best friend, there's 13guys who spend a time together everywhere. the first time we created BSI, that moment when Sandra liked our Junior in JHS... i shouldn't be tell the name of that guy right? kay, then when his birthday, sandra wanted to give him something like present, but he couldn't be found at school. so we're waited him so long so long so long time!!!! then we're went to Keresidenan to find him, cause sandra knew that he's a tennis athlete, so maybe he's there to rehearsal. but he wasn't there! so we're rounded a circle lake (situ buleud) to find him, then we're through the place where he's usually there. but we couldn't found him! he's something like ghost, move so fast. we're round Kersidenan, Gedong Sigrong, and back to school just to find him, but we couldn't til evening came! so I thought we've done a crazy things and we called it 'Bonek' and cause we're a 13guys so we're called it society... and BSI was created.
oh ya, in Indonesia Bonek is represent to everyone who crazier than an ordinary people,everyone who hasn't shame.
enough guys....... here the pic of BSI without Akbar's there

New class, New atmosphere

well, i've been an 11 grade student an half of this year.. 11 science 6 is my class. the first day in dat class i just felt boring something like dat, but it's not boring anymore after i through everyday with new friends..
they're so fuckin awesome dude, u should have known dat they're as crazy as me!!!!! and now, i already done with final tesst in the semester 1st, and we'll have some separates with friends in the semester 2nd. why's we have to meet if we have to separate. but we have a graduate holiday to the recreation's park in Jakarta.... can't wait for it! i'll share my story when i home already after my class's holiday.


hello watcha doin everyone? long time no see leh, i'm just fuckin busy with school stuffs. but now is holidays already yay! i've finished my final exams, and the result has came out too... not bad for me lah. well, i dunno what to share about anymore.. so, see ya soon!